Toledo is so well-preserved and packed with cultural wonder that the entire city has been declared a national monument. It’s an ideal place to savor the delights of Spain: cultural, historic and tasty. You will see no modern buildings.
Spain’s historic capital has two thousand years of tangled history crowded onto a hight rocky perch it’s protected on three sides by a natural mode – the Tagus River and everywhere else by formidable man made fortifications. Toledo was for centuries an important Roman transportation hub, with a private Jewish population.

It was for centuries Spain’s political capital, when the city reached its natural limit is defined by its river King packed up and moved his capital to more spacious Madrid. And later became a political background only to be rediscovered by romantic nineteenth century travelers.
Today, Toledo remains a vital center culture, art and religion it survives much as it was when Europe’s most powerful King called it home. Toledo’s handy escalator gives those approaching the city from the bus station a free lift into town.
Toledo has a confusing medieval street plan, but major sites are well signposted, explore and remember some of the best attraction come with outsides.
Toledo’s history is a complex mix with three great religions, and with a impressive record of peaceful coexistence. Reminders of Toledo’s multicultural history are everywhere.
Toledo is 45 miles away from Madrid but on a high-speed train traveling at 300 kilometers per hour, it’s a quick 32 minute ride.
Toledo was once known for its unusually hard steel, known as Toledo Steel, especially for its excellent sword-making quality.
There is a lot to see in Toledo–impressive cathedrals, monasteries, temples, ancient roads, Spanish history—but it’s all within a few square miles so it really can all be done in one day.Toledo is sort of like Disneyland for adults. Flocks of tourists are everywhere and it’s obvious the city thrives on them.