Church in Galilee

A short drive up Israel coastline and then into the interior will take you down, below the sea level to the Sea of Galilee. Israel’s primary source of fresh water it is both fed and drained by the Jordan River.

Sea of Galilee

Kinneret boat

This area has long been popular with Israeli vacationers  and Christian pilgrims.

Galilee is famous as the place where Jesus did his three years of ministry  and where so many Bible stories were set.

In the Jordan River the faithful believe John the Baptist baptizes Jesus. And today Christians from all the world come here in droves to affirm their Baptism with a dip into that same fabled river.

Jordan River

Baptismal site Jordan |river

North end of Galilee is where the bible says Jesus walked on  water  calmed the storm, and talked fisherman into changing careers .

Rangers of hills with high peaks , dense natural groves, one river, many streams, dozens of brooks, primal landscapes, e evergreen forests valleys and hikers and tourists are what make the Galilee so special.

Here you must visit the church which is places in the heart of the town, For Roman Catholics it is a very important.  Another church is built upon the place where the fifth thousand who gathered to hear Jesus preach were miraculously fed .

Church in Galilee

Church in Galilee

And the church among the mountain on Mount Beatitude, mares the place where Jesus  gave the Sermon on the Mount.


Ancient synagogue

A must visit ten things in Galilee are- the Sea of Galilee, Arbel Cliffs, International Centar Mary of NazarethThe old city of Safed, The Church of annunciation, Nazareth Village , Magdala , Tel dan , Church of Mount of Beatitudes, Mount of Beatitudes, Mount Tabor , Capharnaum the Town of Jesus , Capenaum Nationational Park, Agmon hahula , Olive Tree Fine Art Gallery  and so many .


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