Here are some extra things that you can explore at Italy’s dramatic Amalfi coast area. Just south of Naples are some of Italy’s most appreciated attractions.
Along a breathtaking coastline you will find trendy reset towns ancient ruins and enchanting island getaways.
Wedged on a ledge under the mountains and over the sea, spritzed by a lemon and orange groves Sorrento is an attractive resort town, visited by so many tourist in the summer time. Serene Sorrento is well located both as a springboard for regional sightseeing and as a fine place to simply stay and stroll.
The town’s original Greek street plan survives running east-west for the most sunlight, and north – west for the prevailing and cooling breeze. You must visit the Marina Grande- Sorrento’s historic harbor. Around here lemons are everywhere, every other shop is lemon yellow. This is called the land where there’s more to lemons than lemonade. Locals here make the best limoncello in all Italy.
The Amalfi coast is chaotic, scenic in love with life Italy at its best. Cantilevered hotels and villas cling to the vertical terrain, and beautiful, sandy coves tease from far below.

Specializing scenery, shopping and sand the resort town of Positano hangs on the most spectacular stretch of the coast. The village is squished into a ravine with narrow pedestrian – only alleys that cascade down to the harbor. The skyline looks like it did a century ago strict building codes prevent modern structures. The town’s shallow rooftop domes are filled with sand., which provides cool in summer and warm in winter.
The Amalfi coast gets its name from the Amalfi town. After Roman fell, Amalfi emerged as an independent republic.
Here you can enjoy the good life under the Amallfi sun.
Paestum is the town in Amalfi coast that was found by the Greeks. Here you can visit the remains of three impressive temples. The lonely temple of ceres, temple of Hera, the Temple of Neptune.