Have you ever needed a little inspiration in order to brain storm the kind of activities and sights you would like to see around the world.

Teenager hidden by city map

Here is a random list of awesome things to do on a trip around the world that will trigger some ideas for you.

  1. Visit a volcano – erupt alone with the excitement of visiting a volcano. Catching sight of a volcano, whether extinct or in full fire, is one of the great travel experiences.


2. Set foot on each of the seven continents – This is an amazing idea. Once you have reached all seven continents you can truly call yourself a traveler.

continents3. Travel India by train – India has an extensive rail network, and with train it is the possible way that you can see some of the world’s most colorful countries.

India4. Climb mountains – achieve great heights climbing the world’s tallest free-standing mountain rise in Tanzania, Africa.

rock climbing5. Visit the birthplace or grave site of a cultural icon. Could be Che Guevara or Picasso or Levi Strauss or the guy who invented widgets; anyone you think is important.

travel6. Cross a country using only public transportation. See a country the way most of its people do: from the window of a bus, train, or ferry. It is an interesting way to experience the country.


7. Learn another language – There are many ways and plenty of resources to ease the      process. It is a great way to upgrade your knowledge.


  1. Cross a country on a bike – if you are an adventurer and in love with nature this is a perfect and also very cheap way to travel.

cycling9. Go to Oktoberfest. The meeting of over 6 million beers and drinking song singers is one of the biggest parties in Europe, and definitely one of the top things you should do.


I hope you have enjoyed.


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