Our world is expending every day, but there are some truly beautiful historic places that have been around for a while now, some marked by scars of past wars and some made even more beautiful with time. So here are the 10 World`s Oldest Cities

As the first of World`s Oldest Cities is Lebanon’s capital Beirut– its economic and history centers stretches back around five thousand years.IIt can trace its roots through the Phoenicians , Hellenic, Roman, and other ottoman remains. Often is referred as the Paris to the  Middle East. Beirut is now a lively modern city attempting to leave behind the scars of war.

World's Oldest Cities - Beirut

Beirut - world oldest city


In southern Turkey around forty miles away from the Syrian border lies Gaziantep. A city which dates back as far as 3650 BC.Visitor are excited by the ravonda citadel with lies at the very heart of the city and was restored by the Byzantine Empire in the sixth century .

Gaziantep - World`s Oldest city

Gaziantep -Oldest city


Plovdiv Is a city in Bulgaria,and its roots dates from 4000 BCE before becoming on the major Roman cities in Europe during the Empire. Before becoming part of the modern Bulgaria the city was held by both  the Byzantine and Ottoman empires and remains a major cultural center to this day.

Plovdiv - World`s Oldest City

Plovdiv - Oldest City


Next up is Sidon in Lebanon. Sidon is one of the oldest and certainly one of the most important Phoenician cities.

Sidon - World`s Oldest City


Faiyum is the oldest city in Egypt and occupates  a part of the center worship. Here is the crocodile river which people believe that the river protected them from danger.

Faiyum - World`s Oldest City

Faiyum - Oldest City


Next is the oldest city in Iran- Susa. Susa was the capital of the Elamite empire which held parallels to the development of the Sumerian culture before it was captured by the Syrians.

Susa - World`s Oldest City

Susa - Oldest City

The capital of  Syria- Damascus is among the oldest inhabited cities in the world .It has been held by the Ottomans and Arabs and it was another city captured during Alexander the third.

Damascus - World`s Oldest City

Damascus - Oldest City

Another city is Syria which has been almost destroyed by the ongoing civil war Aleppo is also one of the oldest in the world.

Aleppo - World`s Oldest City

Aleppo - Oldest City

Byblos in Lebanon –originally known as the good ball by the Phonations.It was built to be the first city of its empires.


Byblos - World`s Oldest City

Jericho located in Palestine is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world by far and it is also the world’s oldest walled city which is why is included in World`s Oldest Cities.

Jericho Palestine

Jericho Palestine - World`s Oldest cities

If you are a history lover , there are the right places for you to visit. Its a chance to be inspired and be a part of something that was made many many centuries ago.


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