Here are ten most visited countries in the world and some interesting facts about each one of them.

10.Thailand grew its tourism industry by almost 20% in 2013. Jumping ahead of last year’s number ten country, Mexico. Thailand’s name in Thai means land of the free which is true, as it’s the only country in Southeast Asia never to have been colonized by a European power. Its capital Bangkok is the most visited city on the planet. It used to be called the Venice of the east as many building were built on stilts to rise above water- filled canals, although most are filled today.

Thailand Most Visited Countries


  1. Russia- it is home to 25 UNESCO world heritage sites .It makes sense there would be a lot given that its land area is bigger than Pluto. Russia’s so massive it spans nine time zones, down from 11 a few years ago. Its most famous natural attraction is Lake Baikal, the oldest and deepest lake in the world.

Russia - Most Visited Countries


  1. United Kingdom is the ninth-largest and third most –populated island in the world. The bridges of the river Thames, Big Ben and so many other attractions.

United Kingdom - Most Visited Countries

United Kingdom - Most Visited Countries

  1. Germany is Europe’s economic powerhouse. It has over four hundred ZOOs. The amazing Neuschwanstein Caste seems computer generated and was the inspiration for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Caste. And of-course there is the beer.

Germany - Most Visited Coutnry


  1. Turkey’s largest city, Istanbul is the largest city in Europe and the only city in the world with a population of more than one million people to span two continents. It will soon be to home to the world largest airport.


Istanbul Turkey - Most Visited Countries

  1. Italys home to the greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world, including the Clolloseum , Venice, The Vatican, Florence, the leaning tower of Pisa, the vineyard of Piedmont , Naples, Sicily , The Italian Apls, The Italian Riviera and Lake Cuomo. And that is why is in the list of most visited countries.


Italy - Most Visited Countries

4.China is the world’s oldest continuous civilization.The Great wall is the greatest attraction there.

The Great Wall China - Most Visited Countries

3.Spain is the top holiday destination for Europeans mainly because it has over three thousand miles of  gorgeous coastlines.That is why its on 3hd position of the world most visited countries list. Madrid is one of those rare big cities that doesn’t sit on a major body of water.

Madrid Spain - Most Visited Countries

Madrid Spain

  1. USA is on the second place. New York is basically the capital of the world. Los Angeles , San Francisco, Malibu and so may other cities are visited by millions of people .

New York USA - Most Visited Countries

New York USA

  1. The most visited country by far is France. France is one the few countries in the world where the number exceeds its population of 66 million people. Paris Eiffel Tower has been visited so much that is the most visited paid tourist attraction.

Paris France - Most visited Countries

Paris France

With this we conclude our Top 10 Most visited countries in the world.

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